What is Fellowship?
True Fellowship is centered on Christ; otherwise there is no fellowship. What are the things we share in common in Christ?
Our Life in Christ
Common in salvation (Jude 3)
Common redemption through His blood (Eph 1:7)
Common relationship with the Son (1John 1:3)
Presence of Christ
Through fellowship of the Holy Spirit (2Cor 13:14)
Abiding in Christ (John 15:1-5)
Problems, tribulations, and deliverance
Spiritual gifts and resources
Material Blessings (Romans 15:27)
Material Possessions
Sharing resources (Heb 13:16)
Where and When do Fellowship Groups meet?
The Book of Romans - Justification by Faith Alone
Leader: Nick Haight
Meets in Natomas: Every Wednesday from 7pm – 9pm
Contact: nick@tcbcsacramento.org
Christology: Understanding the Person and Work of Jesus
Leader: Patrick Lacson
Meets in Natomas: Every Wednesday from 7pm – 9pm
Contact: patrick@tcbcsacramento.org
Psalm 119
Leader: Francis Tobias
Meets in Natomas: Every Wednesday from 7:15pm – 9pm
Contact: francis@tcbcsacramento.org
Paul’s Letter to the Colossians
Leader: David West
Meets in Natomas: Every Wednesday from 7:15pm – 9pm
Contact: calwestcarpets@gmail.com
Is Child Care Provided?
On Wednesday Nights we have GTC (Generations To Come), a ministry for our children which meets from 7pm – 9pm at the church building. The goal of this ministry is two-fold. First, to expose the children to Jesus Christ through the Bible. Secondly, to allow parents to be free to be encouraged in home fellowship groups.