What is Fellowship?

True Fellowship is centered on Christ; otherwise there is no fellowship.  What are the things we share in common in Christ?

Our Life in Christ

Presence of Christ

Problems, tribulations, and deliverance

Spiritual gifts and resources

Material Possessions

Where and When do Fellowship Groups meet?

The Book of Romans - Justification by Faith Alone
Leader: Nick Haight
Meets in Natomas: Every Wednesday from 7pm – 9pm
Contact: nick@tcbcsacramento.org

Christology: Understanding the Person and Work of Jesus
Leader: Patrick Lacson
Meets in Natomas: Every Wednesday from 7pm – 9pm
Contact: patrick@tcbcsacramento.org

Psalm 119
Leader: Francis Tobias
Meets in Natomas: Every Wednesday from 7:15pm – 9pm
Contact: francis@tcbcsacramento.org

Paul’s Letter to the Colossians
Leader: David West
Meets in Natomas: Every Wednesday from 7:15pm – 9pm
Contact: calwestcarpets@gmail.com


Is Child Care Provided?


On Wednesday Nights we have GTC (Generations To Come), a ministry for our children which meets from 7pm – 9pm at the church building.  The goal of this ministry is two-fold.  First, to expose the children to Jesus Christ through the Bible. Secondly, to allow parents to be free to be encouraged in home fellowship groups.